Alpha Vantage Earnings Calendar

Published: 19 Feb 2023

This page explains how to get earnings calendar from Alpha Vantage and the meanings of individual columns in the output dataset.

Earnings calendar API URL

Earnings calendar is available using function=EARNINGS_CALENDAR. The API URL is:

URL parameters

The URL always requires the function=EARNINGS_CALENDAR parameter and the apikey parameter (your Alpha Vantage API key).

Optional parameters are:

horizon = how far ahead to look. The default (if this parameter is missing) is "3month", which includes all earnings reports scheduled for the next 3 months from today. Alternatively it can be "6month" or "12month" (note there is no "s" at the end).

symbol = stock symbol. Include this parameter to only get scheduled earnings dates for a particular stock.

Output format

The output format is CSV (most other Alpha Vantage datasets are in JSON, but this one is a CSV).

Meaning of individual columns

The output CSV file has six columns:

symbol = Stock symbol, e.g. "AAPL".

name = Company name, e.g. "Apple Inc".

reportDate = Date when the earnings report will be released. It is a string "yyyy-mm-dd".

fiscalDateEnding = End date of the period to which the financial statements apply, "yyyy-mm-dd".

estimate = Earnings per share (EPS) estimated by analysts covering the stock.

currency = The currency in which financial statements are denominated. Typically "USD", though some stocks report in other currencies, such as "CAD" or "CNY".

Financial statement data

Alpha Vantage also provides detailed data on financial statements, using function=INCOME_STATEMENT, function=BALANCE_SHEET, and function=CASH_FLOW.

There is also earnings history under function=EARNINGS, which includes quarterly and annual earnings complete with analyst estimates and surprise amounts/percentages.

For a quick big picture view, you can find the most important financial figures (such as EPS, EBITDA, or profit margin) and ratios (such as P/E, P/B, or EV/EBITDA) based on the latest earnings report in the company overview dataset under function=OVERVIEW.

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